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New West cannot afford tower

New West cannot afford tower

ear Editor: Re: City says it fell short on explaining tower plan, The Record, Sept. 5. I read the article 'City says it fell short -' and was drawn to a few comments made by our mayor and council.
Idle musings on cabinet shuffle

Idle musings on cabinet shuffle

Some idle musings, random thoughts and scattered analysis of Premier Christy Clark's shuffle of her cabinet: ?Are the B.C.
Letter gets it right, and wrong

Letter gets it right, and wrong

Dear Editor: Having been involved with the Pattullo Bridge issue from the beginning, I must offer a small correction to the letter by Chris Dumfries (Re: What will NDP do for us?, Letters to the editor, The Record, Sept. 7).
Bed bug infestion making a mess

Bed bug infestion making a mess

Dear Editor: I have lived in this beautiful city most of my life.
Is it optimism, ambition, or none of the above?

Is it optimism, ambition, or none of the above?

We can officially anoint Fort Langley/Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman the most optimistic man in B.C. politics.
Civic centre critical to city's downtown

Civic centre critical to city's downtown

Someone recently showed me a Twitter comment accompanied by a photo of construction activity and jokingly suggesting that the official bird of New Westminster should be "the crane." It struck me that the comment couldn't ring more true.
Put negativity aside

Put negativity aside

Dear Editor: Re: Letter on Mott misleading, Letters, The Record, Aug. 31. In response to Earl Marshall, as hard as I try and no matter how many times I read Elk Ebert's excellent letter - in the Aug.
'Borough still part of New West

'Borough still part of New West

Dear Editor: Re: City fights to keep the 'Borough, The Record, Aug. 29. I don't understand. How is the city losing Queensborough? It will still be part of New Westminster.
Don't confuse irrational act with political action

Don't confuse irrational act with political action

It is something that we just don't see in Canada: Politically inspired gun violence.
Not so itsy bitsy spider invasion

Not so itsy bitsy spider invasion

M onday, Aug. 20. I came home from work to find a good-sized wolf spider scuttling across the living room floor. He must have been an inch and a half across. I swear, these hairylegged monsters are getting bigger every year.