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Electronic billboards are a hazard for city traffic

Electronic billboards are a hazard for city traffic

Dear Editor: You may not have to turn your head to see those electronic billboards, they are so in your face. But you do have to focus your eyes to read the print.
Dead tree had to be removed

Dead tree had to be removed

Dear Editor: Re: Mature evergreen massacred, Letters to the editor, The Record, July 5.
Liberals looking good so far

Liberals looking good so far

The summer legislative session is now half over, so it's time for some observations and thoughts about what we've seen so far in the house: ?The multitude of new faces around the legislature has changed the atmosphere for the better.
Chief Skugaid should remain moored on Fraser

Chief Skugaid should remain moored on Fraser

Dear Editor: I am writing this letter in support of the Chief Skugaid boat and keeping its moorage in the Fraser River at New Westminster.
Hanging flower baskets paid for by businesses

Hanging flower baskets paid for by businesses

Dear Editor: Re: Minter Garden set to close, The Record, July 10 Letter writer L. Luyten, unfortunately, is misinformed about the hanging baskets along Sixth Street in Uptown.
Hot walks not cool for canines

Hot walks not cool for canines

Dogs are amazing creatures that have an uncanny ability to provide insights into human behaviour - and human limitations. Their deep and profound devotion to a "master" often mirrors our own penchant for religiosity.
Unchecked bureaucracy grows

Unchecked bureaucracy grows

Dear Editor: Re: True transparency triggers trust, The Record, July 4.
Natural gas deal a long way off

Natural gas deal a long way off

Dear Editor: Let's not get too carried away over the news that Pacific NorthWest LNG, a consortium headed up by Malaysian's state-owned energy giant Petronas and Japan Petroleum Exploration Company (Japex), plans to spend up to $16 billion to export
City and railways cooperating a good sign

City and railways cooperating a good sign

It was an unthinkable tragedy. On Saturday, 20 people died - and another 50 are presumed dead - in a horrific explosion caused by a train derailment in Lac-Megantic, Quebec.
Minter Gardens set to close

Minter Gardens set to close

Dear Editor: It was with great sadness that I read about the closure of "Minter Gardens" in Chilliwack at the end of this summer. It is one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen and well worth the money.