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Real estate hot potato nobody wants to touch

Real estate hot potato nobody wants to touch

It's the hot potato nobody wants to pick up - in fact nobody wants to even admit that they have an opinion on it. You won't find Premier Christy Clark sending out a statement on it, or Adrian Dix.
Time to take stock of B.C.'s forests

Time to take stock of B.C.'s forests

Ever since mid-May, when a special committee of the provincial legislature was appointed to address a looming "timber supply" crisis, questions have arisen about what the committee would say about one community in particular.
Big company leaves New West

Big company leaves New West

Dear Editor: Re: New West family business on the move, The Record, Aug. 10. New Westminster has lost yet another long-time business and taxpayer to the City of Burnaby - Mott Electric. I personally am saddened by their departure.
Questioning vaccinations

Questioning vaccinations

Dear Editor: Re: Look ahead to winter's flu season, In my opinion, The Record, Aug. 17, by Perry Kendall. After looking at the biography of Dr.
Royal City prince replies

Royal City prince replies

Dear Editor: Re: letter writer wrong on Crosty, Letters to the editor, The Record, Aug. 15, by Jacquie Stevenson. All I can add is the Shakespeare line from Hamlet: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Scott Larsen, New Westminster
Slow down near schools this September

Slow down near schools this September

Summer is flying by and so are the vehicles on our roads, with a number of excessive speeding incidents taking place recently.
Remembering what matters

Remembering what matters

Dear Editor: Re: City loses longtime biz owner, The Record, Aug. 17. Thank you so much for the article about the passing of Doug Pavan. He was such a good person, businessman and kind friend.
Make office tower as green as future civic centre

Make office tower as green as future civic centre

Dear Editor: Let's face the facts. If the nine-storey office tower is built on top of the city's civic centre, chances are this tower will remain city's responsibility indefinitely.
Is Black's plan just a pipe dream?

Is Black's plan just a pipe dream?

The bolt-from-the-blue announcement by newspaper mogul David Black that he wants to build a $13-billion oil refinery near Kitimat may be hailed by some as a "game changer" for the proposed Enbridge pipeline project, but a more accurate description ma
Gardens planted with pride

Gardens planted with pride

Dear Editor: Re: Creating beauty in the garden, July 4, and Grateful for local gardener, Letters to the editor, July 11, The Record. It is great that people acknowledge the efforts of our city gardeners.