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Coat of paint a bad idea

Coat of paint a bad idea

Dear Editor: I'm not a fan of the idea of painting the columns in the Front Street parkade. The stark and bold architecture of the Front Street parkade embodies one of the latest concepts in modern design.
Another reason to distrust journalists

Another reason to distrust journalists

I am ashamed to admit it - but as the Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin, expense scandal story simmers on social media and fills newspaper pages - I have gained a new appreciation for good cops who feel tarnished by bad cops.
New and old faces in Liberal cabinet

New and old faces in Liberal cabinet

One of Premier Christy Clark's frustrations for the past two years has been her struggle to put a new face on her government, to clearly show she was in charge and that there was a clear separation from the Gordon Campbell era.
Are city managers worth their weight in gold?

Are city managers worth their weight in gold?

We can hear the tongue clucking as the front page hits the doorsteps in New Westminster. "Hey, honey, look at how much money the top brass at city hall make, can you believe it? That's where our taxes go.
Bring on the water taxi

Bring on the water taxi

Dear Editor: Re: City's game of Dic, Dac, Dough, Letters, The Record, June 7. A water taxi would be a great idea and would not threaten any politician's pedestrian bridge legacy project, as both would be amazing additions to New West.
Non-voters indifferent, apathetic

Non-voters indifferent, apathetic

Dear Editor: Re: Is this the end for the B.C. NDP?, The Record, June 5. It is certainly a cogent and articulate column Keith Baldrey wrote, which explains mostly, but not entirely, the surprise B.C. election results.
Grateful to attendants

Grateful to attendants

Dear Editor: My name was Ruth Jenks. (It is now Mrs. Ruth Abel.) I had to take an ambulance to the hospital when I was pregnant, as I was hemorrhaging.
B.C. needs fairer equalization plan

B.C. needs fairer equalization plan

Last summer, the Vancouver Canucks tried everything to get power forward Shane Doan signed as a free agent. Doan would have been a huge help, stabilizing the Canucks' second line and providing much-needed grit and scoring.
City's game of Dic Dac Dough

City's game of Dic Dac Dough

Dear Editor: Re: GlassHouse Lofts - Will be true to its name, The Record, May 31.
Too much noise, pollution

Too much noise, pollution

Dear Editor: On May 23, my daughter came over. She was not here for long when she said it was much noisier than when she lived with me. We are on the 16th floor. I told her it is due to traffic, and this is why we are complaining.