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Preventing the unthinkable in our own backyard

Preventing the unthinkable in our own backyard

It was unthinkable. The July 6 tragedy in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, where a runaway train rolled down a steep slope into town, derailed and exploded, leaving 47 dead and flattening the core of a community, seemed like something out of a horror movie.
Businessman defends web domain purchase related to New Westminster Hyack saga

Businessman defends web domain purchase related to New Westminster Hyack saga

Dear Editor: Re: What’s with Hyack rebranding? Letters to the editor, Sept. 20. It has been interesting to read the ongoing barrage of letters to the editor by the James Crosty/Paul Thompson/T.C.
When scientists speak out, we must listen

When scientists speak out, we must listen

It is a sad state of affairs when scientists across Canada take to the streets to bemoan their interaction with the government of their country.
Government employees take too many sick days

Government employees take too many sick days

When was the last time you called in sick? Was it just a case of the sniffles? Were you flat on your back? Or did you go golfing and not want to use a vacation day? Did you feel guilty about leaving your co-workers to cover for you? Did you take as f
Has Hyack rebranding gone awry?

Has Hyack rebranding gone awry?

Dear Editor: Visiting, I noted the CIBC Parade of Lights was now a Festivals New West presentation - not Hyack Festivals Association.
Kinder Morgan must pay fair fees, taxes

Kinder Morgan must pay fair fees, taxes

Dear Editor: I believe there are two types of fees that Kinder Morgan should be required to pay the government of British Columbia should a decision be made to approve the proposed TransMountain Pipeline expansion, which would consist of the construc
B.C. Hydro rate increase is inevitable

B.C. Hydro rate increase is inevitable

Yes, your B.C Hydro bill will soon become more expensive, and why shouldn't it? After all, most things in life become more expensive over time, and why should your electricity costs be any different? And yes, the B.C.
Public hearings needed on B.C. Hydro increases

Public hearings needed on B.C. Hydro increases

Since 2002, successive Liberal governments have gradually turned B.C. Hydro into a holding tank of public debt. It has reached the point that the Clark government doesn't dare permit the B.C.
Lancers' dance just looks 'creepy'

Lancers' dance just looks 'creepy'

Re: Residents want to keep dance, Letters to the editor, The Record, Sept. 11. I was just reading the extensive letter by Lisa Graham outlining why the May Day dance is a tradition and why people that want to end it have ulterior motives.
What ever happened to debate and democracy?

What ever happened to debate and democracy?

If you can get away with it once, well, just keep doing it. That seems to be Christy Clark’s pattern as she enters her second term as B.C.’s premier. After all she managed to get re-elected after only having the B.C.