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Local News

Park work earns national award

Westminster Pier Park has won a national Brownie Award from the Canadian Urban Institute.

Nothing to hide: Mayor

While the creation of a new govt. position to audit city halls has some politicos upset, Wright is unconcerned

Changes proposed for Victoria Hill

New Westminster residents will be asked to consider two concepts for a project at the Victoria Hill development. The City of New Westminster has received a rezoning application for a portion of 271 Francis Way.
PHOTOS: Good words and good deeds

PHOTOS: Good words and good deeds

New Westminster immigrant shares story of trials and success

If the immigrant story is one of sacrifice, persistence and adaptation for a better life, Raul Senties, owner of Ole Ole Mexican Deli on 12th Street, is the embodiment of the immigrant spirit.

Who's in, who's not - and out and about on the campaign trail

The Record is keeping tabs on candidates who will be vying for voters' support when they head to the polls on Nov. 19.

Calendar of Events

?MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome.

Campaign reaches $2 million

Anonymous donor adds $1 million to RCH fundraising efforts for project

New Westminster mayor opposed property tax increase for transit

New Westminster Mayor Wayne Wright said there is "no way" he could support a property tax increase to pay for construction of the Evergreen line and other transportation initiatives.

What's up this weekend?

We're continuing with our popular feature - our staff's Top 5 (Or More) Things To Do This Weekend. It runs regularly in our Friday editions.