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Overpaid ICBC executives cause road rage

Overpaid ICBC executives cause road rage

The feeling surging through most British Columbians' blood today should seem familiar. It's a lot like road rage, albeit inspired by those who insure cars, not those who drive them.
Look ahead to winter's flu season

Look ahead to winter's flu season

As summer vacations come to an end, and we begin to look forward to the fall, it is a good time to start thinking about how to best protect ourselves and our loved ones from illnesses like influenza.
Hometown hero still a Royal City favourite

Hometown hero still a Royal City favourite

Monday was a special day in the Royal City. Queen's Park resident and hometown NHL hero Bill Ranford had his day with the Stanley Cup (see page 3 for our coverage of the visit).
Public health is vital

Public health is vital

Dear Editor: Re: Private vs public health debate on, The Record, July 25. Mr. Baldrey writes that there is "no compelling evidence" that private clinics have inflicted harm on the public system.
Who is the real hypocrite?

Who is the real hypocrite?

Dear Editor: Re: Cook's remarks hypocritical, Letters to the Editor, The Record, Aug.8, 2012. I feel it necessary to comment on New Westminster city councillor Chuck Puchmayr's political rant regarding my comments to reporter Niki Hope.
Harper's new respect for science mislaid

Harper's new respect for science mislaid

It's nice to see Prime Minister Stephen Harper standing up for science. Like a solar eclipse, it happens only a few times a year. Harper said he's going to stay out of the Northern Gateway oil pipeline issue.
Letter writer wrong on Crosty

Letter writer wrong on Crosty

Dear Editor: Re: Crosty opposes everything, The Record, Aug. 8. It appears that Scott Larsen may be sniffing more than the flowers along the esplanade if we read his mischaracterizations of James Crosty's positions in his Aug. 8 letter to the editor.
'Old, white guys' at Conservative helm

'Old, white guys' at Conservative helm

It may be tracking well in the polls, but the B.C. Conservative party has yet to demonstrate why it should be considered a credible alternative when it comes to forming government in this province.
Stay active with hobbies

Stay active with hobbies

Dear Editor: Re: 99 and counting for local tennis player, The Record, July 25. How lovely to read about Ed Gladstone and his active life playing tennis! My grandmother is 93 and also still lives alone.
No referendum on city's $59-million loan

No referendum on city's $59-million loan

In the end, the final results were anticlimactic. Tuesday's deadline for concerned citizens who wanted an "alternative approval process" to oppose the city's proposed $59-million loan authorization bylaw came and went with little fanfare.