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Council is locked in dysfunction

Council is locked in dysfunction

Dear Editor: In light of the recent happenings at city hall regarding the $59-million loan from city reserves to support various city projects, I would like to offer my analysis.
Potential for petition problem

Potential for petition problem

Dear Editor: Re: $59-million loan under scrutiny, The Record, July 18. I totally agree with Ed Linstead's account of what is happening with the tower proposed for the civic centre.
City's loan controversy comes to a head

City's loan controversy comes to a head

Mark Twain once said: Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it.
Get involved now to halt city plan

Get involved now to halt city plan

Dear Editor: Wow - thanks to the media, the truth about our special interest mayor, councillors and some city staff is coming to light.
Beyond bad bookkeeping

Beyond bad bookkeeping

Yikes. It's not often that a bureaucrat comes out with such a harsh rebuke as when auditor general John Doyle came out with his report last week calling provincial finances a mess and provincial bookkeeping "woefully inadequate.
Charge even more for smoking

Charge even more for smoking

Dear Editor: Re: Whose rights and health deserve protection?, The Record, July 20.
Focus on the important, please

Focus on the important, please

Dear Editor: Re: City moves ahead with centre plan, The Record, July 18.
Citizens' concerns ignored

Citizens' concerns ignored

Dear Editor: I know that the councillors at city hall have a very important job and, given the times, a difficult one.
Borrowing $59 million too risky

Borrowing $59 million too risky

Dear Editor: I am writing to express my dismay that city council has approved an additional $59 million in borrowing in order to complete the office tower over the new civic centre.
Clark's pipeline stance a good move

Clark's pipeline stance a good move

Picking fights with other governments can often be a winning strategy for political leaders, but it's unclear yet whether Premier Christy Clark's line-in-the-sand stance on the Enbridge pipeline will make her party competitive again.