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Where is the mayor's logic?

Where is the mayor's logic?

Dear Editor: Re: City pushes for four-lane Pattullo with tolls and A 'reasonable' approach in a sea of politics, The Record, March 7.
New West can't go it alone on bridge

New West can't go it alone on bridge

Dear Editor: Re: City pushes for four-lane Pattullo with tolls, The Record, March 7. Interesting that this report is similar to the findings from the consultation sessions I attended with TransLink.
The sun comes out, and so do tax collectors

The sun comes out, and so do tax collectors

Blossoms may be bursting out on cherry trees and daffodils blooming on boulevards, but April is still the cruellest month when it comes to rate increases on a whole slew of costs borne by average citizens.
It's time to redirect corporate wealth

It's time to redirect corporate wealth

Dear Editor: Thanks for your editorial (Housing seniors too important to rely on charity, Our View, The Record, April 2) denouncing service cuts to seniors in our community.
More spending doesn't mean better health care

More spending doesn't mean better health care

Have we finally wrestled that voracious gobbler of tax dollars - the public health-care system - to a standoff, if not to the ground? By that I mean the days of the system automatically devouring increasingly large amounts of money every year to feed
Editorial missed the mark on social services funding

Editorial missed the mark on social services funding

Recently, I read your Opinion, titled "Housing seniors too important to rely on charity." (The Record, Our View, April 2).
A history of cars

A history of cars

It seems that we hear daily about motor vehicles and their role in our local bridges, transportation systems, traffic patterns and pollution.
Is it time to drop the ‘Royal City’ tag?

Is it time to drop the ‘Royal City’ tag?

What does the Royal City name conjure up? Stuffy, old-fashioned British colonialism? Or a proud nod to the city’s rich history? It’s a conversation we recently had in the newsroom, when a few of us mulled over how much the Royal City moniker really m
Recycling isn't broken – stop trying to fix it

Recycling isn't broken – stop trying to fix it

The B.C. government is trying to fix something that isn't broken - and it's making a mess in the process. Cities and towns in B.C.
United Way has its priorities wrong

United Way has its priorities wrong

Dear Editor: United Way cuts will impact city seniors, The Record, April 2.