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In the Community

Program coming to RCH

A new approach to organ donation is coming to Royal Columbian Hospital. Five hospitals in B.C., including RCH, will be hiring organ donor coordinators, with the goal of lowering the number of people who die while waiting for a transplant.

City councillor earns national recognition

The Canada Humanist Association has named Coun. Lorrie Williams as its Humanist of the Year.

Kick up your workouts with interval training

If you're getting bored with your morning jog and want to try something new with your exercise routine, interval training is a great way to implement an effective cardiovascular and strengthening workout.

Grow great garlic in your own garden

People who love using garlic in recipes but are shocked at its cost in winter need to know that growing their own cloves is very doable, even in small spaces.

Looking back on two city milestones

Today we would like to remind you of two anniversaries - one marking 10 years and the other 25 years, and both come up next week. These are recent history, but both are important.
Pickleball grows in popularity

Pickleball grows in popularity

Sport keeps Royal City seniors running on the court at Century House

Entertainers in the city

We often think of New Westminster in the 1860s as being a long way from the major cities of North America and the world. This is, in the context of that time, absolutely correct.

Travel ideas abound

O ctober is an excellent month to indulge your travel bug at the New Westminster Public Library. A new season of the monthly travel show starts in October.

Be cautious with comfrey in garden

QUESTION: The medicinal plant comfreys are taking over our septic field. Are these good for something? Virve Martinoff, Langley ANSWER Comfrey is a hugely nutritious accelerant that helps compost decompose very fast.

Voice of the Canucks

While many a Canuck fan experienced heart palpitations during the team's recent run to the Stanley Cup finals, a man who was close to the action was dealing with a real heart condition.