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The secret to Dix's new moderation

The secret to Dix's new moderation

Aha! I think we now know a key source of NDP leader Adrian Dix's professed desire to bring a "modest" approach to governing.
Time to listen to hospital workers

Time to listen to hospital workers

Dear Editor: Re: Hospital issues are ongoing, Letters to the editor, The Record, by Judy Darcy, Jan. 6. New Westminster's recently appointed NDP candidate said in her letter last week: "what's happening at RCH is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Hospital issues are ongoing

Hospital issues are ongoing

Dear Editor: The crisis in the emergency room at Royal Columbian has received a great deal of publicity in the last few days, as it should. But the reality is that overflow in the ER is far from new.
Editorial off-base about courts

Editorial off-base about courts

Dear Editor: Although the editorials here will usually try to boost the NDP in a backhanded way, the article "Court system has its hands tied in B.C." (Our View, The Record, Dec.
Can anyone justify this kind of wage gap?

Can anyone justify this kind of wage gap?

An average Canadian took home just under $45,000 in earnings in 2010, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Meanwhile, our 100 most well-to-do compatriots banked an average of $8.
Use sense on train horns

Use sense on train horns

Dear Editor: I did have zero compassion for the "complainers" in the waterfront condos about the train horns. Not anymore - for I live at London and 20th and have no need to be warned of train movements at 3 a.m.
Is premier prepared to pay for courts?

Is premier prepared to pay for courts?

Premier Clark's support for the federal government's get-tough-on-crime legislation, which will require increased provincial spending, is ironic given her government's failure to adequately fund our current system.
Will global protests lead to lasting change?

Will global protests lead to lasting change?

If there is one way history will mark 2011, it will be as the year the people regained their voice. With luck, 2012 will be remembered as the year that voice brought about change.
Ideas for integration

Ideas for integration

Dear Editor: I emigrated from Taiwan to Canada, and I've been in New Westminster for three years. Currently, I'm attending the New Westminster Community Immigrant Mentorship Program by Family Services of Greater Vancouver.
Libs walking a tightrope in B.C

Libs walking a tightrope in B.C

The federal government's decidedly rightward shift has some potentially big implications for B.C. and whichever party forms the next government here.