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Loss of auditor general is a bad move

Loss of auditor general is a bad move

It's astounding, the knack that B.C.'s political leaders have traditionally demonstrated for inventing new ways to astound us all. Right now we're ponder- ing the possible rationales for firing auditor general John Doyle.
Debt part of a bigger issue

Debt part of a bigger issue

Dear Editor: Re: Time to tackle our individual fiscal cliffs, Our View, The Record, Jan. 4.
Need still exists in the city after holidays

Need still exists in the city after holidays

We're far enough into the new year now to say the holidays are officially over. Heaven knows, with so much rainy winter ahead of us, we could use a little bit more of the twinkle and celebration that comes with Christmas and New Year's.
Group faces big hurdles in effort

Group faces big hurdles in effort

It has received a significant amount of media attention, but will the aboriginal protest group known as Idle No More achieve any significant gains, other than raising public awareness of the pressing problems facing many aboriginal communities? It's
More debt and pollution

More debt and pollution

Dear Editor: Some like the Anvil name, it reminds them of the loud bang/noise and puff of smoke/pollution at Queen's Park every May.
An apology is needed

An apology is needed

Dear Editor: Re: What's the big deal about New Year's, In My Opinion, The Record, Dec. 28. As the mother of a child killed by a drunk driver I was shocked and dismayed to read Matthew Claxton's column.
'Top Anvil' should resign

'Top Anvil' should resign

Dear Editor: As Mayor Wayne Wright doggedly beyond his mandate defends the ram-rodding through of the financing of the office building as part of the civic centre now named "The Anvil," I trust he will not mind being called "Top Anvil.
Time to tackle our individual fiscal cliffs

Time to tackle our individual fiscal cliffs

Unless you spent the last month lounging about on a desert island in the South Pacific without internet or TV, you've probably had your fill of hear- ing about America's fiscal cliff.
Pop quiz: who will lead the province?

Pop quiz: who will lead the province?

The media is full of recaps of the year's past events, so rather than add another repetitive article to that collection I thought it would might be more interesting to look at what lies ahead.
The world as seen through Ingrid Rice's eyes

The world as seen through Ingrid Rice's eyes

Cartoonist - the job title even sounds like fun. Cartoons, after all, bring back memories of Daffy Duck and Wiley Coyote. But for editorial cartoonists such as Ingrid Rice, cartoons carry political messages wrapped in deceptively simple drawings.