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Vaccine warning

Dear Editor: With the recent measles cases in the Chilliwack area, a mass marketing of immunization has been the talk amongst the community. As a parent and grandparent, I have learned that immunization does not prevent diseases.

Dear Editor:

With the recent measles cases in the Chilliwack area, a mass marketing of immunization has been the talk amongst the community. As a parent and grandparent, I have learned that immunization does not prevent diseases. As a child I was immunized, and many of these diseases are in the general public again – whooping cough, polio, measles, influenza strain and others. Long-term immunity is not what immunization does.

As a parent it is hard to get proper information to make an informed decision. This, I believe, is due to the bullying and scare tactics of the drug companies and provincial regulations and health authorities. It is known as “mass herding” of information and the thinking that “everyone should” or “everyone knows.” Well, that is simply not true.

I had a public health nurse tell me what was in some of these vaccinations. The ingredients are not healthy. Carcinogens and other toxic agents are  injected into the body, allowing  any toxins to get an express pass into our systems.

It is the process: the “how” and “what” information is given to the public from corporations. Too many people think, when they see a person wearing a laboratory coat, they must know what they are talking about. This is not the way I make health decisions.

Let the public know the risks and benefits. Please do not make childhood immunization mandatory. Keep the laws out of our bodies!

Kimberly Hayek,

New Westminster