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Letter off base on military

Letter off base on military

Dear Editor: Re: Heed lessons from First World War, Opinion, The Record, Aug. 1. Good day, I have served Canada in the Canadian Forces for 30 years, and I am appalled. Your paper should be honouring the 60,000 Canadians that died in the Great War.
Aboriginal bands open financial books

Aboriginal bands open financial books

It’s the level of government very few British Columbians ever think about. More than 200 aboriginal bands, each with elected chiefs and councils, managing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal and provincial tax money.
Prison expansion plan makes no sense

Prison expansion plan makes no sense

Canada is safe. The last time crime rates were this low the Post-It hadn’t been invented and The Beatles were together.
Paying parents won't fix education woes

Paying parents won't fix education woes

The new plan by the province to pay parents $40 a day per child for every day the teachers’ strike drags on into September is not the worst idea in the world. Let’s face it, many parents need financial help with finding child care.
Yes, more midwives are needed

Yes, more midwives are needed

Dear Editor: Re: Are more midwives needed?, The Record, Aug. 1.
Teachers are stuck with no cards

Teachers are stuck with no cards

How many people reading this column could go 20 weeks without a paycheque, without seriously depleting your savings account or cashing in a significant amount of RRSP funds? I suspect not many people could, but that bleak scenario is precisely the on
Kittens left in garbage bin

Kittens left in garbage bin

Dear Editor: Ten kittens from two separate litters were found taped shut in a cardboard box and left behind a GVRD garbage bin on a sweltering sunny July 3.
Karaoke too loud at festival

Karaoke too loud at festival

Dear Editor: Congrats to the West End Business Association and Chuck Puchmayr for a successful 12th Street Music Festival. I was only able to attend in the afternoon, but the lesismore, Wendy Biscuit and T.
Trains not the only noise issue

Trains not the only noise issue

Dear Editor: Re: Plans on track for train silence, The Record, July 16. I suppose we should be encouraged, after more than 11 years of waiting, that now city hall is finally trying to do something about “whistle cessation,” especially downtown.
A little precaution goes a long way in summer

A little precaution goes a long way in summer

There’s nothing quite like the August long weekend to inspire some serious warm weather enjoyment.