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Local Arts

State of the arts: Theatre in the Royal City

State of the arts: Theatre in the Royal City

Reporter Julie MacLellan takes a closer look at how local theatre groups are surviving - and thriving - in a challenging economic climate, in a special three-part series starting today
Poetry Wars study group starts in New West

Poetry Wars study group starts in New West

Think poetry is all daffodils and clouds and sparkling waves? Think again. Anyone wanting to dive deeply into the world of poetry is invited to take part in a new study group, The Poetry Wars.
Young pianists heading to Carnegie Hall

Young pianists heading to Carnegie Hall

Students from the Donna Fishwick Piano Ensemble have earned their way to the Carnegie Hall stage. The students won the opportunity after auditions for the Crescendo International Piano Competition held in December in Vancouver.
Lively City: Music, short stories, poetry and more

Lively City: Music, short stories, poetry and more

Music lovers, here's a wonderful one coming up for you. The next offering in the Music at Queens concert series is on Sunday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m.
What's up in New West? New arts calendar Feb. 4

What's up in New West? New arts calendar Feb. 4

Ongoing to Sunday, February 9 Freud's Last Session, starring Richard Newman and Damon Calderwood, at Galbraith House, 131 Eighth St., New Westminster, 8 p.m. shows, with 2 p.m. matinees on Feb. 8 and 9, Info: www.
Lively City: Broadway superstar, book launch and more

Lively City: Broadway superstar, book launch and more

Adam Guettel is coming! Chances are you read that and had one of two reactions: You're either saying, "Adam who?" or you're giddy with excitement.
What's up in New West? New arts listings Jan. 28

What's up in New West? New arts listings Jan. 28

Tuesday, January 28 High Stakes: Creating Suspenseful Stories, a free workshop led by author Colleen Cross, writer of the Katerina Carter fraud thriller series, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave.
New West performer nabs Ovation Award honours

New West performer nabs Ovation Award honours

Sayer Roberts earns Outstanding Performance honours for his work in RCMT's Oklahoma!
New West writers' contest underway

New West writers' contest underway

Writers, sharpen your pencils or boot up your laptops - it's time for the Royal City Literary Arts Society's Write On! contest. The 2014 contest is welcoming submissions now, and it closes on March 15.
Revolver pays tribute to historic Beatles performance

Revolver pays tribute to historic Beatles performance

Show at the Columbia marks 50 years since the Beatles took the Ed Sullivan Show by storm