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In the Community

Please, bury him in a bow tie

In honour of Father's Day, I sought out New Westminster author JJ Lee to chat about fatherhood, fashion and death and how those topics actually intertwine.

Strumming in the Park

Guitar man: Devon Malcolm takes a break and plays his guitar in Tipperary Park in New Westminster.

City has marked royal jubilees with fanfare

Much has been said about the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Reviewing the troops

Reviewing the troops

Keep kids 'hungry' for summer reading

Reading clubs getting off the ground at city library

Farmers' market fundraiser a record success

The Royal City Farmers Market set a new record at its recent fundraiser held recently at Wild Rice restaurant. More than $3,500 ($1,200 more than the previous year) was raised at the event.
Celebrating the Queen in New Westminster

Celebrating the Queen in New Westminster

The City of New Westminster recently celebrated the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth with a tree planting. Students from Urban Academy joined city officials in planting an English oak in Friendship Gardens in honour of the Queen.
Happy 90th to these longtime New Westminster residents

Happy 90th to these longtime New Westminster residents

Plants need care

Question: Since I'm in Vancouver, some of the annuals in my containers sprout again the following year. I also have perennial plants and bulbs in some of these containers.

A 'gritty' fiction

Nordic crime fiction has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years. Spurred on by the wild success of the Stieg Larsson Millennium trilogy, many popular northern European authors have been translated into English.