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Letter: 'There is no free lunch' — even when fining speeders

The idea of income-scaled traffic fines is "intellectually flawed," this writer says.
Tying traffic fines to income is an "intellectually flawed" concept, this New West writer says.


The mayor of New Westminster has succeeded in getting us all to slow down by threatening to scale traffic fines to income, but the concept is intellectually flawed.

If wealth is acquired by a lottery win or inheritance, it should be treated differently from the wealth that was acquired via years of OT and saving every penny. If not, poor folks would have to be subjected to a means test, i.e. are they poor due to bad luck, or are they lazy and unmotivated?

The best way to view these concepts is through intellectual equilibrium; think of scales balancing. Remember, there is no free lunch, even when fining speeders.

Brad Porcellato