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Letter: If a New West tree falls and no one hears it, is it city hall's responsibility?

A letter writer asks who should take care of removing fallen trees in New Westminster — neighbours or the city?
Trees. | Getty Images

The Editor:

Re: Relocating trees: Not feasible for all trees in New Westminster (Sept. 3, 2023)

In the Queensborough area, there are trees that have been killed by beavers gnawing at them and they are slowly dropping their branches onto the grass below.

The issue is not so much the branches, but the trees themselves will be toppling over and chances are right onto the roadway to the Annacis Crossing.

Other trees have already fallen on Boyd just short of the roadway and were only pulled to the side.

This area may be an issue for the Dept. of Highways due to this roadway being a bridge route.

Neighbours have had large pieces of old willows fall onto the roadway and taken it upon themselves to remove the debris.

Another neighbour had a willow snap off and fall into his neighbour's yard and take the corner of his garage with it.

When he contacted city hall about another limb hanging over the fence and into his neighbour's yard and wanted to have it removed, city hall said "No, it's healthy and don't touch it."

If or vehemently this tree falls and takes out the fence, possibly the shed and whatever/whoever happens to be underneath, is city hall going to take responsibility?

- Reo Elkin