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Clothes send a message

Clothes send a message

Dear Editor: More women will be sexually assaulted as a result of styles we see today: overexposure of breasts adding to skin-tight clothing, leaving nothing to the imagination. Just my opinion. Rose Bernard, Burnaby
Don't miss ballot deadline

Don't miss ballot deadline

Dear Editor: It is critically important that all British Columbians are fully informed about the new deadline to submit their HST referendum ballots. We wrote to B.C.
Heroes prove the value of reaching out

Heroes prove the value of reaching out

It's not that hard. Reaching out to a stranger, be it holding open a door for someone with his or her hands full, or letting someone go ahead in the grocery line. Or right up to saving a life.
Has B.C. reached breaking point?

Has B.C. reached breaking point?

The tax revolt that appears to be simmering in this province has the potential to turn the provincial political scene on its head, with serious ramifications for our two main parties and the interest groups that support them.
Kudos for Woodlands decision

Kudos for Woodlands decision

Dear Editor: The B.C. Association of Social Workers applauds New Westminster city council's decision to demolish the remaining structure on the old Woodlands property.
Christy, say 'No' to violent games

Christy, say 'No' to violent games

Dear Editor: An open letter to Premier Christy Clark: Our society, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Women Educators of British Columbia, requests that you take steps as part of your caring for children and families initiatives to further limi
Get rid of all sales tax

Get rid of all sales tax

Dear Editor: The plain and simple of the unfair HST of the very conservative "Liberal" party is that it raised the cost of nearly everything.
Let police do their job in riot investigation

Let police do their job in riot investigation

In the days following the Vancouver riots, the sadness and disappointment felt by most British Columbians was a tangible thing - on radio call-in shows, in letters to the editor, and around the water cooler and the dinner table, most people were shoc
Save greenspace in downtown

Save greenspace in downtown

DEAR EDITOR: Re: City OK's tower, The Record, July 8. I am extremely concerned about the long-term viability of my neighbourhood given that Ballenas Project Management has received approval to build a 21-storey building at 125 Columbia St.
'Privileges' are wrong

'Privileges' are wrong

DEAR EDITOR: I have been following this (Urban Wood Waste Recyclers) waste management expansion in your paper, and I am amazed at the privileges that are being received by this company.