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Pool will keep them coming back

Pool will keep them coming back

Dear Editor: Re: City ponders future for aging pool, The Record, Feb. 1. Regrettably, this feedback is a bit late, but I thought I would send it anyway, regarding the possible impact on the Canada Games Pool after the Burnaby facility is opened.
Senate needs more than just an election

Senate needs more than just an election

Is it any wonder that according to a poll this week conducted by Canadian Press/Harris Decima, 32 per cent of respondents felt the Senate should be abolished. Another one-third felt the Senate should become an elected body.
Panhandling out of control in city's business district

Panhandling out of control in city's business district

Dear Editor: As a business owner, long-time resident and, of course, taxpayer, I just found that I had to voice my concern and disappointment at the deplorable condition of our number 1 business district - Sixth and Sixth. At approximately 1 p.m.
Unfair shot at NDP candidate

Unfair shot at NDP candidate

Dear Editor: Re: Crosty ponders run, The Record, Feb. 6. So James Crosty is considering running provincially as an independent this spring.
Protest votes can make a difference

Protest votes can make a difference

While the two major political parties garner most of the attention in this province, I wonder whether other parties and independent candidates will have a larger impact on May's election than anything we've seen recently.
Flights of fancy about AG don't hold up with scrutiny

Flights of fancy about AG don't hold up with scrutiny

Dear Editor: Re: Move raises questions, Letters to the Editor, The Record, Feb. 8. Letter writer Joe Sawchuk compiles a fictional case against B.C.
Ponder the 'responsibility' of Family Day

Ponder the 'responsibility' of Family Day

With B.C.
New technology inspires awe

New technology inspires awe

Some people might mistakenly think I'm easy to impress. I still can't believe 40-ton jumbo jets float through clouds, Jell-o doesn't melt, dogs can learn how to dance and phones don't even need cords anymore.
Move raises questions

Move raises questions

Dear Editor: On Aug. 8, Des Pearson, auditor general for Victoria, Australia, announced his retirement, after six years as auditor general.
Support Clark in leading B.C

Support Clark in leading B.C

Dear Editor: I'm afraid it's that time for all of us in British Columbia to start thinking about who we are going to vote for in the provincial election this Spring.