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Letter: New Westminster kids pay tribute by cleaning war graves

Lest we forget.


A little army of Scouts, Guides, school children and parents assembled at New Westminster's Fraser Cemetery on Sunday, Nov. 6 to scrub gravestones of Canadian veterans. A cold grey sky rained down on them, and a flurry of sleet and snow followed. Nothing dampened their efforts as they steadily worked at headstone cleaning, with children quietly recounting the stories behind the inscriptions revealed under the patina of accumulated moss and grim.

At each site a poppy remains, marking the time these children spent with each veteran's memory.

Over hot chocolate, a nine-year-old participant remarked, "We're stupid." When asked what he meant by this, he explained, "The world is still at war!"  Out of the mouths of babes ...

Lest we forget.

Louisa Lundy, New Westminster