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Letter: Citizens' snow plan works in this New West neighbourhood

How should we deal with snow? Why not start with looking after our neighbours?
Snow planning, you say? A "citizens' snow plan" is working well for one New Westminster neighbourhood.


There is ample discussion recently regarding snow plans. Despite the pleasant weather lately, the odds are good that we will again have snow.

The Fourth Street neighbourhood is ready and has been for a few years with a citizens' snow plan. A few years back, my neighbour Darren got an OMG horsepower, triple-stage red snow chucker and put us others to shame by clearing the sidewalks on the block for everyone before the sun had crested the horizon on the morning after. I felt challenged and brought in the ultimate orange Swedish-engineered snow machine that could send the white stuff to Richmond with a squeeze of the throttle.

It was of no use, for I soon discovered that the early bird got the thrill. Darren left me in the powder as he was always up a good hour before me.

Stepping out of the shower in the morning and hearing his engine roaring would cause me to shake a fist in the air and mutter, "Curse you, Red Baron."

The point is, to deal with snow it is important to have the right equipment, get up earlier than your neighbour, and don't expect anything in return because clearing the sidewalk is a land owner's job.

I want to thank Darren for being the snow angel.

Also, I want to apologize to the fellow in the blue shoes I met today. Sorry for my unkind remark, and let me buy you a Starbucks one day.

Gordon Hobbis