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Local News

Queen's Park garage sale helps Canuck Place

One person's trash is another person's treasure, and that may be the case on May 12 when the Queen's Park garage sale in support of Canuck Place takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Hospital wards reopened after outbreak

Both of the hospital units that were shut down in late April at Royal Columbian Hospital due to an outbreak of the highly infectious C. difficile bacteria have now been reopened. C.

Gallery hosts Mother's Day exhibition

Celebrate Mom with one-of-a-kind art. Van Dop Gallery is holding its annual Mother's Day celebration with a special exhibition, the New West 7.

Police officer resigns after assault conviction

New Westminster Chief Const. Dave Jones has accepted the resignation of a police officer involved in an altercation with a newspaper delivery person in 2009. A press release from the New Westminster Police Service states that Const.

New Westminster getting a visit from Soup Nazi

The Soup Nazi is returning to the Royal City to help raise funds for local lacrosse teams.

New Westminster takes steps to deal with potential flooding

The City of New Westminster is taking action to prepare for the possibility of flooding on the Fraser River. The latest information from the B.C.

New Westminster cop convicted of assault resigns

New Westminster Chief Constable Dave Jones has accepted the resignation of a police officer involved in an altercation with a newspaper delivery person in 2009. A press release from the New Westminster Police Service states that Const.

What's going on this weekend?

Spring is now officially here and as we turn our calendars to May, it's time to get out and about and enjoy the best the Royal City has to offer. We're continuing with our popular feature - our staff's Top 5 (Or More) Things To Do This Weekend.

Local talent onstage at the Columbia

New Westminster's Columbia Theatre is opening its doors - and its stage - to local talent. The theatre is hosting the first of a planned monthly series of performance nights tonight (Friday, May 4).

Old 'Borough home gutted

One of the oldest homes in Queensborough has been damaged by fire, and its fate is now uncertain. New Westminster fire crews attended a home in the 200-block of Jardine Street early Wednesday morning.