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Enjoy free yoga, dance and Pilates for two days at this New West studio

Mats can wait: Is New Westminster ready for yoga in a hammock?
Try aerial yoga for free at Sea2Sky Wellness Studio's Open House on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1

A New West wellness studio is offering several free classes to encourage more people to take the first step towards loving their body.

Sea2Sky Wellness Studio's two-day open house, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 30, and Sunday, Oct. 1, will include classes on breathwork, spin and TRX (Total Resistance Exercise), and feature pop-ups where Eversio Wellness, the Mushroom Wellness Company, will showcase their organic mushroom supplements and The Super Patch Company will display their wellness and performance patches. 

At the event, participants can also explore sessions on ashtanga flow, which synchronizes breathing with movement; aerial yoga that’s a mashup of traditional yoga and Pilates but in a hammock; and inferno hot Pilates — a whole-body workout in a heated room.

Since its opening in March 2023, the studio (428 Columbia St.) has received a good response from New Westies to its gamut of wellness sessions from hot and cold plunges to massages and puppy yoga.

Which is why, said Viktoria Lupalenko, administrative assistant at the studio, "an Open House is a great opportunity for us to give back to the community, provide an opportunity for people with shared wellness interests to meet and socialize, and learn about the variety of our services."

Among the free sessions is also a recently added fall special, the sensual flow — a dance class, where individuals can learn how to "embrace their sensuality and connect with feminine energy," said Lupalenko. 

The beginner-friendly class will help participants focus on “how to slow down and feel the music, allowing individuals to mindfully connect with the body.” 

Participants can sign up for the open house classes through the Sea2Sky Wellness Club website or app.