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Dine and shine: Finish lunch and earn a sparkling ring at this New West restaurant

What’s better than a delicious sandwich in Sapperton? A delicious sandwich with a piece of jewelry, of course.

A New Westminster restaurant is adding a dash of sparkle to its customers' dining experience.  

Every customer who walks into Greens & Beans Deli for a meal can expect to leave with a full tummy and a bejewelled hand. 

The Sapperton restaurant — located at 143 E Columbia St. — is giving away plastic rings featuring small flowers, crowns, hearts and butterflies to anyone who drops by for its grilled cheese sandwiches, wraps and hot subs. 

"Finish your lunch… get a ring" is the noshery's message to New Westies.

It's a message that has brought smiles to hundreds of people in the last one year, as per Leona Green, co-owner of the restaurant.  

"I have given away probably 200 rings. Everyone loves it — big people and little people alike," said Green over a Facebook chat. 

"With the little kids, I show them the rings and then tell them if they finish their lunch they will get a ring. The parents like this because it gets their kids to eat. But everyone gets a ring."

A few of the restaurant's customers took to social media to gush about the "fun and sweet" initiative: "My inner child is grinning from ear to ear," wrote a customer; "I love treating ourselves to whimsy as adults," wrote another. 

For Green, who has previously introduced unique campaigns such as Secret Sandwiches, which had customers whispering their orders to her, and Foodie Flock, a food flash mob to help out local businesses, what inspired the recent giveaway idea was a pleasant childhood memory.

"When I was little and would go to the dentist I would get a ring if I was good." she said.

"So one day, I was thinking about that and wondering if I could find some of those little rings to give to the customers. I went on Amazon and typed in 'rings I used to get at the dentist' and up popped these rings."

"A lot of the people my age say that they remember getting them at the dentist. A set of 100 rings costs only $17, so it is a small price to pay to make people smile."

But does one have to necessarily finish the meal to get it?

"It is recommended," Green said with a smile.