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In the Community

Money sense at library

Many British Columbians have lost their life savings to risky or dangerous investments. If you encounter a sales pitch that sounds too good to be true - STOP! It's a fraud warning sign that the investment might be a scam.

Hospital seeks stories

Royal Columbian Hospital marking 150th anniversary

Turning a business vision into reality

The Record recently had a sit-down with Cori-Lynn Germiquet, new executive director of the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce. Germiquet replaced David Brennan, who retired in December after running the chamber for 10 years.

At the helm with the city's downtown

Kendra Johnston leads BIA with her passion for New West

A bit of Masonic history

A recent ceremony in a local lodge room, witnessed by family members of the person recognized by the gathering, mixed a number of historical components into one relatively short but important event.

Time to celebrate literacy

The last week in January has been named New West Reads! Week by the city's Literacy Now committee. Organizations are celebrating the importance of family literacy with storytimes and parent information sessions.

Burger joint coming to River Market

Classic drive-in style burgers are being added to the menu at the River Market - and lots of them.

Take us with you

Take The Record along on your next trip and take a photo with a scenic backdrop or landmark. Send your photos by email to postcards@royal or mail to The Record, 201A-3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, V5A 3H4.

Finding the beauty in your imperfections

Two of my kids used to spend way too much time in front of the mirror. I told them to wash their faces, brush their teeth and comb their hair (once).

New Hyack boss serious about fun

Douglas smith believes city festivals are in need of a complete overhaul