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In the Community

City in season

From exploring local theatre to enjoying some down-time in city parks, there's no shortage of fun to be had in the city.

All fun and games

Library offers books on games ideas to help get kids playing in the great outdoors

There's more than one way to cook a crab

Whether it's steak and lobster or linguine and clams, shellfish is a popular choice at market seafood counters or restaurants.

Colours of summer

Brendan Lang gives a hug to a puppet being used during a performance by the Ta Daa Lady, Angela Brown, at Queen's Park recently.

Work diligently to keep getting better

The only way to increase athletic performance is to isolate your weaknesses and work diligently to improve.

Society gives back to Royal City with pride

The Royal City Pride Society is lending a helping hand to some of the city's less fortunate folks. Dave Brown of the Lookout Emergency Aid Society said the Royal City Pride Society recently held a fundraiser at Wild Rice at River Market.

Big screen coming to Queen's Park

Movies buffs can enjoy family friendly screenings outside

Garbage in and out

GIGO is an acronym from the early days of computer science. "Garbage in, garbage out" refers to the truism that the quality of what a computer program produces is dependent on the quality of the data you input.

Helping make field dreams come true

Organization holds secondhand sports equipment sale to raise funds for KidSport

Learn about musical lives at the library

We connect to musicians through their music, but we can also connect by learning more about their lives and inspirations. Here are a few of the new biographies of musicians the New Westminster Public Library has received recently.