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Saskatchewan First Nation comes to B.C. to talk about taking over child welfare

Saskatchewan First Nation comes to B.C. to talk about taking over child welfare

VANCOUVER — Solomon Reece spent a decade in Vancouver before being elected as a councillor to the Key First Nation in Saskatchewan last year.
Nova Scotia bill targets medical paperwork, aims to reduce number of sick notes

Nova Scotia bill targets medical paperwork, aims to reduce number of sick notes

HALIFAX — The Nova Scotia government tabled a bill Tuesday aimed at making life easier for medical professionals by reducing some licensing fees and limiting when employers can require sick notes from their workers.
B.C. child welfare official testifies at inquiry into teen's death in Calgary

B.C. child welfare official testifies at inquiry into teen's death in Calgary

CALGARY — A 15-year-old boy who died in Calgary weighing just 37 pounds was also near death in a British Columbia hospital about a decade earlier, a child welfare official from that province testified at the teen's fatality inquiry.
N.L. privacy commissioner steps away from long-awaited 2021 cyberattack probe

N.L. privacy commissioner steps away from long-awaited 2021 cyberattack probe

Georgia senators send gender care restrictions to governor

Georgia senators send gender care restrictions to governor

ATLANTA (AP) — A bill banning most gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies in Georgia for transgender people under 18 is headed to Gov. Brian Kemp's desk after senators gave it final passage on Tuesday.
Superbug fungus cases rose dramatically during pandemic

Superbug fungus cases rose dramatically during pandemic

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. cases of a dangerous fungus tripled over just three years, and more than half of states have now reported it, according to a new study.

Tanzanian officials confirm 5 dead from Marburg disease

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Tanzania’s health ministry on Tuesday confirmed that five people have died and three others are being treated for the Ebola-like Marburg disease.
Report calls for restricting marketing to kids in grocery stores, restaurants

Report calls for restricting marketing to kids in grocery stores, restaurants

A new report looks at the prevalence of marketing to children inside grocery stores and restaurants.
Missouri Senate endorses transgender health restrictions

Missouri Senate endorses transgender health restrictions

B.C. pharmacist who faked his COVID-19 vaccinations suspended for 30 days

B.C. pharmacist who faked his COVID-19 vaccinations suspended for 30 days

The pharmacist has been disciplined for claiming to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and falsifying provincial health records to hide his unvaccinated status.