Name: Jean-Pascal (J.P.) LeBerg
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 778-792-7374
QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I’m a resident of New Westminster, in Glenbrooke North, for over 18 years with wife Kris and three kids who are all enjoying the local public school system. I have a professional career in sales and marketing with some experience in the provision of technical trades training and Red Seal curriculum development. I was born in Zaire (now the D.R. Congo) and finished high-school in Niger, enjoying visits to many african and european countries during my youth. Once I met the love of my life in 1993, I wasn’t going anywhere she wasn’t and settled in Richmond. Before kids we ...
What are the top 3 issues facing the New Westminster school board?
- Inclusive support of students with diverse needs while maintaining quality of education
- Modern facilities of adequate size to support mental and physical education of our growing community
- Ability to translate community-identified improvements into actionable items on government agenda
What do you think this school board has done well? What have they done wrong?
Successful financing of seismic upgrades, start of NWSS construction and balanced budget. Could improve on inclusion of City Hall in project planning and of parental input in programs and policies.
What is your position on the school district’s involvement in May Day?
May Day fits right in the education of each generation - history, dance, community awareness and planning for the future. It has been, and should remain an integral part of New Westminster’s curriculum.
What three people would you invite to a dinner party? (alive or dead)
Kelly Slade-Kerr, Michael Ewen, Casey Cook - to pick their brains on how best to hit the ground running!
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.