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Meet Jaimie McEvoy, Team Cote

Meet Jaimie McEvoy, Team Cote Name: Jaimie McEvoy Twitter: @ JaimieMcEvoy Website: Email: [email protected] Tell us about yourself.
Jaimie McEvoy
Jaimie McEvoy is running for council with Team Cote.

Meet Jaimie McEvoy, Team Cote


Name:Jaimie McEvoy

Twitter: @JaimieMcEvoy

Email:[email protected]



Tell us about yourself. (100 words)

I’ve been a city councillor for nine years, with a track record of hard work, and a reputation for openness and fairness.

As a councillor, I’ve given priority to issues like safer streets, a Green city and protecting our environment, and affordable housing.  I’ve worked hard to revitalize New Westminster and make our city a more vibrant city, with new parks such as Westminster Pier Park, and more events, festivals and family activities.

I live with my wife Stacy and our cats. 

I believe in a compassionate, vibrant city that builds its future while honouring its heritage.


What are the top three issues facing New Westminster? (100 words)

1.      Affordable Housing. We need to end renovictions by calling for a freeze on renovictions until renters are protected.  Families need more choice, more types of housing that are affordable.  I’m proud we reduced homelessness by almost half in the city, but we need to continue that work and end homelessness all together.

2.      Traffic and Transportation. Safe Routes to Schools; A full and complete sidewalk network;

Complete routes for cyclists and for people with wheelchairs and mobility aids.

3.      Family Friendly. More and affordable childcare, programs for youth and families, a new Canada Games Pool and community centres.



What is the biggest success or failure of the current city council?

Revitalizing the city! Anvil Centre.  QtoQ ferry.  A newly renovated library. More housing, the first new rental buildings in decades, more than 1,200 units coming into the city.  Wait For Me Daddy.  Smart City Initiative.  More jobs, Downtown revitalizing, Westminster Pier Park.  Council is doing a good job.



What three people, alive or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? (50 words)

Queen Elizabeth.  To learn so much about history behind the scenes, to have an open conversation with her Majesty would truly be fascinating.

Tommy Douglas.  Canada’s greatest politician and reformer.

Leonard Nimoy, Spock.  I’m a huge trekkie.  It would just be an honour to see him again.


Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.