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Meet Anita Ansari, Team Cote

Name: Anita Ansari Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Website: QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified) Tell us about yourself.
anita ansari
Anita Ansari

Name: Anita Ansari

Email: [email protected]






QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified) 

Tell us about yourself. (100 words or less)

I am a professional engineer, a mother, the Co-Chair of New Westminster’s Oldest Non-Profit Daycare Society, and an admin of the New West Mom’s Group (#NWMG) on Facebook. I have volunteered as a first aid attendant at New West events in the past with St. John Ambulance, and supported the formation of the New Westminster Community Gardening Society. I’m passionate about education, child care, environmental stewardship and inclusion. In my profession, it is my role to turn concepts into action, and I would bring that energy to the school board.  

What are the top 3 issues facing the New Westminster school board?

  1. Infrastructure - completion of new schools and upkeep of our aging school buildings,
  2. Parent engagement – connecting the board with parents in New West so they feel heard and included
  3. Board revitalization – changing the traditional demographic of the board so it has more energy and diverse perspectives

What do you think this school board has done well? What have they done wrong?

Done well – implementing amazing inclusive policies, like SOGI and Sanctuary Schools, alongside hiring a forward-thinking administrative team to support them; advocating for and securing capital investment as well as seismic school upgrades

Room for improvement – reaching out collaboratively to parents and minorities

What is your position on the school district’s involvement in May Day?

I worry that this event currently does not reflect present day values around gender roles and inclusivity. I’d like to reimagine the district’s involvement to align with our current understanding of equity, inclusivity and reconciliation. Let’s keep the parts that bring us together and evolve past what separates us.

What three people would you invite to a dinner party? (alive or dead)

Barack Obama, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (Canadian humour-writer) and Brene Brown (research professor of social work) are all alive and inspiring. I want to laugh, cry and learn about what makes us compassionate human beings, and each of these individuals carries that knowledge. Please make it happen!!!  

Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.