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Jonathan X. Cote

Party: N/A Profession: City Councillor/Litigation Adjuster Political experience (Ie: how long have you been in office?): I have the experience, the passion and the knowledge to lead New Westminster into the future.
Jonathan Cote
The Bailey Bridge, which is currently closed to traffic, is one of the routes in New West that's popular with trucks.

Party: N/A

Profession: City Councillor/Litigation Adjuster

Political experience (Ie: how long have you been in office?): I have the experience, the passion and the knowledge to lead New Westminster into the future. For the past 9 years, I served on City Council and spearheaded important initiatives on transportation planning and the development of parks and recreation facilities. I also recently completed the Urban Studies Masters program at SFU.

Why are you running? I am running because I love our city and I am passionate about city building. New Westminster is a great city facing some complex and challenging issues; from transportation to affordable housing, sustainable development to community services and amenities. We need effective and inclusive leadership to take our community forward.

Top three issues you want to work on:
1. Transportation
2. Local Economy
3. Aging community facilities

To see my full vision on how we can build a brighter future in New Westminster, please visit

Contact info:
[email protected]

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