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BC Votes 2024

B.C. election down to absentee votes as mail-in tally fails to decide closest races

B.C. election down to absentee votes as mail-in tally fails to decide closest races

VICTORIA — The result of British Columbia's election will come down to the count of absentee ballots on Monday after a tally of mail-in votes over the weekend failed to resolve a handful of undecided races.
Adrian Raeside cartoon: While waiting for the recount

Adrian Raeside cartoon: While waiting for the recount

Election results and their consequences: Decoding the implications for Squamish

Election results and their consequences: Decoding the implications for Squamish

Jeremy Valeriote's election could place BC Greens in a key position to influence Squamish's future and beyond.
Rob Shaw: Furstenau shows her cards, shutting down Rustad’s slim-majority hopes

Rob Shaw: Furstenau shows her cards, shutting down Rustad’s slim-majority hopes

With BC Green support off the table, Conservatives face tougher path to government
Opinion: Divided B.C. voters should push leaders toward common ground

Opinion: Divided B.C. voters should push leaders toward common ground

Power of alignment offers path forward in province's divided political landscape
Furstenau talks to Eby but not Rustad amid possible balance-of-power role for Greens

Furstenau talks to Eby but not Rustad amid possible balance-of-power role for Greens

Green Leader Sonia Furstenau didn’t rule out working with the Conservatives, but made it clear in a Wednesday news conference that she’s not impressed with Rustad’s leadership so far
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Waiting for the results of the B.C. election

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Waiting for the results of the B.C. election

Greens could be tie-breakers on B.C. climate policy

Greens could be tie-breakers on B.C. climate policy

There are two big policy areas where the Greens and NDP are far apart, says one expert.
Rob Shaw: Eby shows humility but internal party spin tells a different story

Rob Shaw: Eby shows humility but internal party spin tells a different story

BC NDP clinging to election victory narrative behind closed doors
52% of eligible voters cast ballots across New West's three ridings

52% of eligible voters cast ballots across New West's three ridings

Elections BC said its projected numbers showed 57.43 per cent of British Columbians cast a ballot.