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Workers deserve a political voice

Dear Editor: Horrors! The ever vigilant B.C. Liberals have discovered that their NDP Opposition dares to consult a large segment of our workforce in forming political policy.

Dear Editor:

Horrors! The ever vigilant B.C. Liberals have discovered that their NDP Opposition dares to consult a large segment of our workforce in forming political policy.

Doesn't this left-leaning party realize that it is the big corporations that call the shots in this province?

Would working people have welcomed the HST and encouraged the chances of massive pollution with new oil pipelines and super-tankers? Of course not.

Would giving representation to the sweaty masses guarantee widening the gap between rich and poor? No chance.

How dare those who do the work that actually produces and pays for B.C.'s goods and services participate in opposing the right-wing reign that gives top priority to tax breaks for big business?

Word might leak out that if our major corporations paid a fair share of revenues, the Libs could balance their budget right now instead of buying lottery tickets.

Organized labour - and all workers who benefit from the concessions won through union contract negotiations - would like a real voice in forming government policy, but unfortunately those currently in office view the public as just a threat to their desperate grip on the political-corporate trough.

Tony Eberts, New Westminster