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Who's being sexist now?

Dear Editor: Re: Support for Christy Clark, Letters to the editor, The Record, March 22. Christy is not getting my vote because she's a woman. She not getting my vote because, in my opinion, she's doing a plain poor job.

Dear Editor:

Re: Support for Christy Clark, Letters to the editor, The Record, March 22.

Christy is not getting my vote because she's a woman. She not getting my vote because, in my opinion, she's doing a plain poor job. Whatever happened to the Stanley Cup rioters? What happened to B.C. Rail? What happened to "families first"? Well that really doesn't count for me as I am single, but it would be nice if us single people and seniors received some breaks here and there.

The best thing she has given us is Family Day, though a stupid name for a holiday as not everyone has a family day. Terry and Betty Fox day, Rick Hansen day, would have been awesome. Note Diane: Betty is a lady's name. Long and short of it is, Diane, if Christy was a guy, he would not be getting my vote.

Diane, you are the sexist here!

Terry Poirier, New Westminster