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Try a little tolerance

Dear Editor: Re: ER trip leads to anger, Letters to the Editor, The Record, Nov. 28. I usually do not respond to letters of this type because they are so blatantly hostile, however, in this case, I believe a response is required from someone. Mr.

Dear Editor:

Re: ER trip leads to anger, Letters to the Editor, The Record, Nov. 28.

I usually do not respond to letters of this type because they are so blatantly hostile, however, in this case, I believe a response is required from someone.

Mr. Luyten I would suggest that the next time you get angry about something or someone you take a few minutes to calm down before you express yourself.

You claim in your letter not to be racist but then you go on to make at least three more racist comments. Perhaps you don't realize what you are saying due to anger, but sir, some of those remarks are racist.

For example, suggesting the we focus on immigrants from "European" countries is a thinly veiled racist remark that suggests if we did that we would only get "white" immigration, which of course isn't true. There are all kinds of ethnicities in Europe.

And why do you pick on "old" people? How old are you?

As for your experience at RCH, I am sorry you feel you had a bad one and I hope you are feeling better. I would suggest, however, in the future that you do not get angry at the world but have a rational discussion with the appropriate supervisor or person in charge. Not everyone is perfect every time and tolerance is a great healer. I am for a peaceful, tolerant and inclusive world, and I would hope that you will be, too.

Vance McFadyen, New Westminster