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Support the teachers

Dear Editor, I volunteered to help with my son’s field trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery. I had six kids in my group for two hours in the gallery. I had difficulty keeping track of my group.

Dear Editor,

I volunteered to help with my son’s field trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery. I had six kids in my group for two hours in the gallery. I had difficulty keeping track of my group. I tried to engage them in discussions about what they saw, compliment them on their sketches and answer their questions. I cannot imagine doing that for 28 kids every day as my son’s amazing teacher does. And the government and provincial courts are saying teachers cannot bargain classroom size and composition?

I have two children in the B.C. public education system. I fully support the teachers and will do all I can to fight for the rights of all workers and for a fully funded and supported accessible, quality public education system for our children. I am still grateful we have access to a public education system in Canada, but I fear it is crumbling around us.

Hetty Alcuitas, New Westminster