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Roadwork the last straw

Dear Editor: When we decided to move to New Westminster, it was a decision to boost our quality of life: wonderful location with beautiful views, affordable (by Vancouver standards) housing, and a unique and trendy atmosphere.

Dear Editor:

When we decided to move to New Westminster, it was a decision to boost our quality of life: wonderful location with beautiful views, affordable (by Vancouver standards) housing, and a unique and trendy atmosphere. However, our roads and streets have made me realize the decision may not have been for the best.

As residents of the Victoria Hill neighbourhood are aware, our location is one of the most difficult to get in and out of; with the recent tolling of the Port Mann Bridge, the Pattullo is overcrowded, making McBride Boulevard and Royal Avenue a nightmare, thus making access to our community difficult - to say the least.

This morning, to make matters worse, the city began roadwork on Royal Avenue, blocking off all but one lane of traffic in each direction at 8 a.m. This should not be allowed. Roadwork on a major artery, which is already congested at the best of times, should be completed on weekends and during the overnight hours.

Can we ask the mayor to please mandate that roadwork on our most congested routes be completed in non-peak hours? A 20 km commute should not take 90 minutes; the bulk of that time sitting in gridlock on the streets of New Westminster.

It's sad to think a move (of our residence and disposable/shopping dollars) out of this gem of a city is likely imminent.

Kelly Grant, New Westminster