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OUR VIEW: Oh, Canada! Fly your flag proudly

It’s far too easy to become cynical and pessimistic about the fate of our nation.

It’s far too easy to become cynical and pessimistic about the fate of our nation.

Check your social media feeds, eavesdrop on Twitter, listen to the griping on Facebook, pick up a daily newspaper or turn on cable news, and there’s a headline or a spokesperson reminding you about all the things that are going wrong in Canada.

Homelessness. The economy. Crime. Terrorism. Pick one thing – or two, or a dozen things – wrong with our country today, and you could easily fall into the trap of believing that there’s no reason to celebrate on Canada Day.

That’s where you’d be wrong.

This year, we should be flying the Maple Leaf with more pride than ever.

We should be proud to live in a nation where every resident is entitled to the benefits that come along with being Canadian – from fresh air and clean water to a social safety net that helps us cope with pretty much whatever the economy throws at us and health care that doesn’t bankrupt our families.

And don’t forget the bigger picture.

With the world in an apparent state of disarray – with economies faltering, Britain leaving the European Union, governments toppling, violence and hate-mongering becoming all too commonplace in every part of the globe – we should be proud to live in a nation that is an oasis of peace.

A nation in which we can go to the polls and express our opinions without fear of violence. A nation in which we can write letters to the editor sounding off about any of our pet peeves and advocating for our favourite causes without fear of reprisal. A nation in which we could have chosen to headline this editorial “Why Canada sucks” – and no one would have come after us for it.

Is our country perfect? Far from it. We complain about our failures, both as a nation and a province, and we must strive for better every single day.

We will not be a truly great nation until no child lives in poverty in Canada and no person is without a place to live that they can call their own.

But, flawed as it may be, Canada is still the best place to live on the planet.

So wear the red and white with pride tomorrow, and fly your flag high.