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OUR VIEW: An order of extra lies with that burger

All’s fair in love and burgers, so it’s no surprise that Liberal supporters decided to order up a bunch of burgers to plump Burger Heaven’s hamburger poll as NDP leader John Horgan and Judy Darcy were dropping in for lunch.

All’s fair in love and burgers, so it’s no surprise that Liberal supporters decided to order up a bunch of burgers to plump Burger Heaven’s hamburger poll as NDP leader John Horgan and Judy Darcy were dropping in for lunch.

Pity the poor person staffing the grill as the race, er, heats up in New Westminster.

But if a food fight is the height of dirty politics in this city’s race, we’ll be happy.

Unfortunately, that is not the case in other electoral districts.Vandals have been spray painting Nazi symbols on lawn signs, and the B.C. Liberal Party has a truck following Horgan on the campaign trail with signs attacking the NDP platform attached to the sides. Really?

The Liberals call it their “truth truck,” but we call it shameful.

It’s clear the Liberals feel their negative attack campaign in the last provincial election worked, and they’re going to continue with a winning game plan.

Horgan, when asked about the truck, said, “If the B.C. Liberals want to hire people to drive around in a truck and follow me, at least they gave someone a job.”

Unfortunately, the Liberals didn’t even create a new job – they used a staffer to do the dirty work.

As for the vandalized signs, Christy Clark intimated that it was the work of the NDP – even though NDP signs were also vandalized.

The sad fact is that, in politics, negative campaigning and lying about one’s opponent appears to work with voters.

We’re not sure if some voters are just plain stupid, or if the constant repetition of lies just seeps into our consciousness and plants enough doubt to sway us. We hate to compare anything in Canada to the last U.S. presidential election, but that election should surely make us pause and reflect.

We urge – no, we beg – voters to check out what all the parties are pledging and what is factual and what is not before jumping to conclusions.

The Vancouver Sun has an excellent online election coverage site, which includes a Fact Check section, so there’s little excuse to remain ignorant.

Candidates may have the right to lie to us, but as responsible citizens we certainly have a duty to check out who is truthful and who is not.