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New West just can't take more traffic

Dear Editor: Oh my goodness! We still have the Pattullo Bridge problem; now we have the Bailey bridge problem. Are we the dump site of traffic from our neighbours? We do have sensitive, good, considerate neighbours, eh ...

Dear Editor:

Oh my goodness! We still have the Pattullo Bridge problem; now we have the Bailey bridge problem. Are we the dump site of traffic from our neighbours? We do have sensitive, good, considerate neighbours, eh ...

Do our neighbours allow high traffic through their residential areas? I do not think so, but it is OK for them for the traffic to go through New Westminster.

Now, Coquitlam wants a two-lane bridge. We do not need anymore traffic in New Westminster, please. It is a no-brainer that having a two-lane bridge will increase traffic. Gee, do the simple math.

Questions to our neighbours:  If the livability of your home is threatened, what will you do? Would you do nothing, let someone else decide for you or fight for it? 

This is what we are doing - fighting for our city, home, safety, children and so on. We are not chopped liver. We are living, breathing human beings (if we are able to breathe unpolluted air).

The only way you will understand us is to walk in our shoes. Are you willing to do it?

Catalina Trinidad, New Westminster