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NDP don't understand biz

Dear Editor: I must compliment the editorial of Oct. 17 (Small businesses critical to liveable cities, Our View, The Record) that describes how critical is small business for liveable cities.

Dear Editor:

I must compliment the editorial of Oct. 17 (Small businesses critical to liveable cities, Our View, The Record) that describes how critical is small business for liveable cities.

Unfortunately, if one pays attention to the maneuvers on Parliament Hill, as Canadians mark Small Business Week, the NDP is slamming the Conservative government's tax relief for small business.

Shortly after the introduction of the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012 and its provision to extend the job-creating Hiring Credit for Small Business, NDP Finance Critic Peggy Nash, blasted this tax relief for small business and the government's general record of supporting small business. Despite the fact the new hiring credit will benefit approximately 536,000 small businesses, the NDP is bemoaning more tax relief for small business and the Canadians that they employ. Indeed, the NDP also recently voted against lowering the small business tax rate to 11 per cent.

Much like their plan to impose a job-killing $21 billion carbon tax scheme on small businesses, the NDP policy again demonstrated their high-tax agenda that would impose crippling taxes on Canadian business and the Canadian economy.

Paul Forseth, by email