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LETTERS: We’re paying the price for neglected roads

Dear Editor: I am glad you did a front-page story recently on the state of the roads in New Westminster. They truly are in a sad state. This past winter exacerbated their condition.

Dear Editor:

I am glad you did a front-page story recently on the state of the roads in New Westminster. They truly are in a sad state. This past winter exacerbated their condition.

The city took some responsibility for the roads’ condition, but in my opinion, it is the city’s unequivocal neglect that is the cause. If roads are paved in a timely manner, they would not experience cracking, which allows for winter conditions to decimate the roads.

The city has spent greatly on sidewalks, removing lanes, speed bumps, etc. and new street signs. They have, however, done the absolute minimum on paving.

Most of the streets in New West have not been paved in half a century. The city now wonders why they are in the predicament they’re in. Just my two cents.

Devon Webb, New Westminster