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LETTERS: Shortsighted thinking won’t save the planet

Dear Editor There has been a lot of talk about the Trans Mountain Pipeline run by Kinder Morgan and the double twinning of it. We are sometimes shortsighted in our thinking.

Dear Editor

There has been a lot of talk about the Trans Mountain Pipeline run by Kinder Morgan and the double twinning of it. We are sometimes shortsighted in our thinking.

Where have mayors in the Lower Mainland been? Like the mayors of Vancouver and Burnaby that are so proud of how they love the environment, but all Burnaby, Vancouver and New Westminster produce is garbage – 30 or more truckloads a day, plus sewage. We produce no food, no products; anything we use is all brought to us by gas-eating trucks, and our garbage is hauled away by truck.   

Our electric power is provided by dams that killed billions of C02-eating plants. Windmills take 240,000 tons of C02 to make; solar panels are worse. We have to learn to conserve energy.

We have to think long-range. The Earth has gone through ice ages, tropical weather and more to come – man-made or nature, who knows? We can’t live with shortsighted, knee-jerk reactions.

Roger Reimer, New Westminster