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LETTERS: Commuters need public washrooms

Dear Editor The installation of universally accessible, public washrooms in a paid-fare zone at Waterfront Station should be a priority in upcoming TransLink planning.

Dear Editor

The installation of universally accessible, public washrooms in a paid-fare zone at Waterfront Station should be a priority in upcoming TransLink planning. 

A TransLink spokesperson has stated:  washrooms have not been installed due to cost and safety concerns. We know new money is available. Regarding safety: TransLink has a viable, safe, model for public washrooms in paid-fare zones – their Sea Bus washrooms.

Waterfront is a transportation hub: Three Sky Train lines; West Coast Express commuter train; Sea Bus. Waterfront is a gateway to Vancouver. Passengers from YVR expect washrooms at Waterfront. The only public washrooms there are for Sea Bus passengers.

Everyone else has to find the A&W (kudos A&W). No washrooms impacts most negatively on those with young children, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Let us all, individuals and organizations, tell TransLink: Fund Waterfront washrooms now.

Catherine Nelson, New Westminster