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Letters: Comments about 'mowing children down' were abhorrent

New Westminster's plan to give pedestrians a "leading interval" is a good one — and victim blaming has no place in discussing it.
The installation of a "leading pedestrian interval" signal has support from the New Westminster Walkers' Caucus.


Walkers’ Caucus is a local pedestrian advocacy group, and we applaud the city’s efforts to make it safer for all who walk and roll on our sidewalks. We are particularly pleased about the pilot project giving pedestrians a leading interval to cross in select marked intersections.

We are frankly appalled at the comments this newspaper has decided to print regarding this initiative. The clear message is that folk believe that it is acceptable to mow children down in marked crosswalks — regardless of what the children are doing. To see in print that these kids "had it coming" is so abhorrent that it beggars belief. This is truly victim blaming at its finest.

Everyone makes mistakes — including, I might point out, drivers. Crosswalks should be designed so that a mistake does not cost someone their life. Is this really such a threatening proposition?

Reena Meijer Drees, Walkers’ Caucus New Westminster