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Letter: My experience is that downtown New West is a safe place to be

New West resident says recent criticism of the downtown area is excessive
downtown new west
Downtown New Westminster.


I am writing to express my dismay at your inclusion of recent letters complaining about the violence in New Westminster, with one writer comically blaming the federal Liberals.

After reading the letters, neither of which reflect local realities (I've never been attacked and no one I know has ever been the recipient attacks from “thugs” during my years in this lovely, peaceful city). They both seem to be written in the same voice as if from a script, one used by BC Liberals, the federal Conservatives and especially of New West Progressives, which in reality is the antithesis of anything remotely progressive.

While letter writing is an essential part of today's news and politics, it can also be used by political parties to misinform the public and present information skewed by their agendas. Please print only legitimate letters from individuals. Letter writing should be a format for individuals to present and seek out factual information, not as a tool of political parties to skew the public view, create fear and negativity.

Social media has opened the door to bad actors and, as we are seeing with some of the white supremacy on display with the trucking convoy, shifting too far to the right in our truly progressive city, one in which I spend walking and exploring for two hours without fear or anger every day, is to destroy its uniqueness.

Jim Parrett, New Westminster

Editor’s note: Just to clarify, these are “legitimate” letters, despite what the writer claims. They are written by local residents responding to recent stories about the New Westminster Business Improvement Association appearing before the local police board to detail numerous crime issues it says have had an impact on downtown merchants and residents. The letters are also in response to several stabbings that have taken place in the downtown area in the past year. They were also in response to the local police department saying that downtown is a safe place to be. If the writer thinks their concerns are excessive or that his experience downtown is much different, then fair comment, but to say that the Record should not print the letters because he personally disagrees with them goes against our letters policy.