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Letter: Cyclists should be allowed to use all of New West's waterfront

Editor: I am a senior citizen who is living at Renaissance Square at the New Westminster Quay. I have been living here for 30 years. I can no longer walk because of chronic knee pain.


I am a senior citizen who is living at Renaissance Square at the New Westminster Quay.

I have been living here for 30 years. I can no longer walk because of chronic knee pain. I find that cycling does not bother my knees so I ride my bicycle everywhere.

I also ride along the Quay waterfront almost every day. I ride slowly and respectfully. The beauty of the Fraser River and fragrance of the flower gardens are very soothing. I am very fortunate to be living here.

I would like to bring to your attention a decision that has been made by the City of New Westminster to outlaw cycling at the Quay waterfront. Cyclists are now forced to walk their bikes or use Quayside Drive, bypassing the waterfront.

How was this decision made and who participated in making this decision? Were cycling complaints shared with the cycling community for possible resolution?

Why is there no authoritative bylaw identification on the “no cycling” signage? Who is responsible for the sign creation and subsequent implementation?

This decision has created a lot of animosities and as I continue to ride my bike slowly and respectively along the Quay, I am harassed by people all the time. Some of these people get very angry and I fear could become violent. My concern is that someone is going to get hurt.

Why can't we do what Vancouver does in Stanley Park? Paint a line down the middle of the walkway. Cyclists on one side and pedestrians on the other side. Plus pedestrians also have the waterfront boardwalk.

With COVID-19 restrictions gradually being eliminated, we need a fair solution to this issue that will work for everyone. 

Ken Bocker, New Westminster