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Letter: Community First has work to do to restore public faith

Questions remain in the wake of the Dee Beattie controversy — and this writer says answers have been lacking.
your opinion matters
What now?: This writer says Community First New West has a lot of work to do to restore faith in it following the Dee Beattie controversy.


So it’s been a month since the Dee Beattie scandal erupted, and here's what we know and what Community First has accomplished concerning the matter.

1) Maya Russell, an NDP supported and endorsed Community First school board member (and acting board chair), shut down requests for a third-party investigation very quickly. One would assume that if there was a time you'd want to be forthcoming and open with your constituents, this would be it, but nope.

2) Mayor Patrick Johnstone showing his complete lack of leadership skills and outright refusing to comment on the situation other than to remark in an offhand manner that people are mean to politicians. Please take a moment of silence today if you can and reflect on our poor mayor and how hard life is when you preach to everyone else about how to live, but you just can't seem to get your own act together, even when a fellow member of your political party was abusing your citizens.

3) Nothing from Community First or their leader in regards to an apology, or even any continued communication about how the situation is proceeding? Has Dee resigned? Will she resign? Are taxpayers still paying her salary? Shhhhhhhh...Community First wants you all to just shush and forget anything happened.

4) No commentary from our NDP provincial MLA Jennifer Whiteside, the former NDP minister of education (who happily supported Dee in the last municipal elections) on the situation, or any word regarding if the provincial NDP still supports Dee. I assume they still do, as they certainly have not condemned her for anything after being very clear that they endorsed her as a school board member.

5) Nothing from Peter Julian, our federal NDP MLA, who also endorsed Dee during the last election. Peter has been very vocal about eliminating hate speech in society, but I suppose that doesn't mean towards anyone outside of the NDP clique. I assume he's still a Dee Beattie fan as well.

6) The continued online bullying of the New West mother who broke the case from the local Community First online fan-club whenever she speaks on the matter. Community First fans seem to be really angry that the shine of purity may have dimmed a bit on their halos. This same whistleblower recently revealed on social media (Reddit) that she had received threats that she should “Stop posting nasty crap!” which brings back memories of the time New West Progressives candidate Danielle Connelly received threats of being “wiped out” before her recent election. Aren't Community First supporters classy?

So, full marks and a hearty great job to Community First for really taking control of the situation and restoring the public faith. Well done, you!

Andrew Spano