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Letter: Ambulance wait times prove need for private health care

The long wait suffered by a former New Westminster city councillor after having a stroke shines a light on problems with the health-care system.
Long wait times for ambulances in B.C. show the need to allow the private sector to be involved in health care, says this letter writer.


The recent article about former city councillor Lorrie Williams being forced to wait hours for an ambulance after suffering a stroke is very disturbing indeed.

And it is just another example of why we absolutely need to to allow the private sector to be involved in our health-care system!

It is crystal clear that we no longer have enough nurses, doctors, paramedics and other health-care professionals to adequately serve the needs of our ever burgeoning population. Keeping the private sector out of our health-care system based on a flawed socialist ideology is hurting real live human beings, who deserve so much better from their government.

It is long past time for a massive political shake-up in Victoria. Real people are suffering, right now!

Gary Tupper, New Westminster